Similar to how some individuals need their supplements to fill in their lack of nutrients, pet supplements in Singapore aim to achieve a similar effect for your fur or scaly buddies. However, since there are plenty of options to choose from, you need to have a general idea of what they need. Going to a veterinarian for a checkup allows you to determine which nutrients they don’t get enough from their diet.

After consulting an expert, you should have an overall idea of what your pet needs. Aside from that, there are basic ingredients that are vital to maintaining their health. Continue reading this article to learn more about the six things to look for when buying pet supplements.

6 Ingredients to Look for in Pet Supplements in Singapore

1. Vitamin A

Since this nutrient is essential in maintaining nearly every organ in your pet, vitamin A is one of those ingredients to look for in pet supplements. For example, it helps your dog maintain its vision and skin health. Moreover, it also aids in the proper development of its brain and bones.

If you are using a moisturizer for your dogs coat, vitamin A can help restore its fur. Additionally, your pet would need this nutrient if it is feeling weak and refuses to eat its food.

However, like everything else, excessive intake of vitamin A is never a good thing. Some of the effects of overdose include seizures, vomiting, abnormal bone growth, and paralysis. While veterinarians have treatments for minor accidents, prolonged exposure or severe cases may need surgery to avoid cardiac arrest and death.

2. Vitamin B

There are several types of vitamin B nutrients that are healthy for your pets. Some of these include cobalamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and folic acid. The following are some of the benefits this nutrient gives your furry or scaly friends:

  • Regulates metabolism
  • Maintains its nervous system
  • Improves appetite
  • Aids in red blood cell production
  • Boosts immunity to diseases

Generally speaking, your pet would get their daily intake of vitamin B from their diet, such as dog food or other ingredients like beef liver and eggs. However, if you’re wondering if your pet is at risk of overdose since they are also getting the nutrient from pet supplements, it is safe to say that the likelihood of it happening is minimal as these vitamins are water-soluble. However, you can consult a veterinarian to guarantee its safety.

3. Vitamin C


While vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, and aids in collagen production, there is a recommended daily intake applicable to your pets. The amount could be higher or lower depending on its age. Generally speaking, you would need pet supplements containing this nutrient if your pet is ill, has a degenerative disease, or during pregnancy.

However, like vitamin A, excessive consumption of supplements or meals rich in vitamin C could lead to more acidic urine. Aside from that, more serious consequences include the formation of bladder stones and diarrhoea, with the former requiring immediate surgery.

4. Vitamin D

As one of the key components of proper muscle and bone development, vitamin D is an essential nutrient your pet needs. It helps in the absorption of calcium, ensuring that its muscles and bones remain healthy. Aside from commercial pet food products, food items like salmon, egg yolk, and squash are excellent sources of vitamin D. while cases of deficiency are rare since most pet foods contain enough vitamin D, it can happen due to digestive problems or a genetic predisposition. Some signs your pet lacks this nutrient are fatigue and stunted growth. Ignoring this condition increases the likelihood of congestive heart failure, rickets, and heart disease. Seek a veterinarian immediately to get the necessary treatment.

Meanwhile, excessive intake of this nutrient due to their diet or pet supplements is also bad. Unlike vitamin B, vitamin D is fat-soluble. If you notice your furry friend vomiting, releasing excess amounts of saliva, or being lethargic, consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

5. Prebiotics

Like humans, a healthy gut is necessary for preventing plenty of diseases. Your furry or scaly friends require this nutrient to support the beneficial bacteria in their bodies. The following are some of its effects:

  • Maintains control of the population of bad bacteria
  • Improves nutrient absorption
  • Strengthens the immune system

While pet food products have this nutrient as one of their ingredients, there are pet supplements available that could help your friends receive the necessary amount. Additionally, other food items like legumes and whole grains are rich sources of prebiotics.

However, since prebiotics could worsen the condition of pets with gastric intestinal issues, consult your veterinarian for suggestions.

6. Probiotics


These microorganisms are responsible for providing various benefits to you and your pet’s digestion. These things live in areas such as the gastrointestinal tract, digestive organs, and nasal cavity. While they prevent bad bacteria from causing issues, the following are some possible side effects you need to know before providing the appropriate pet supplements:

  • Can have irritating digestive symptoms
  • Can cause headaches
  • Can increase infection risk

Depending on your pet, providing probiotics in their diet can either be beneficial or harmful. Seek your veterinarian before feeding them with these microorganisms.


Buying pet supplements in Singapore is an ideal method of giving your furry or scaly friends the necessary nutrients that their diet fails to provide. While commercial products typically contain various vitamins and minerals, they do not consider the individual needs of every animal. Some factors like diseases or genetic predisposition can lead to an increase or decrease in their recommended intake. Therefore, having supplements can help owners reach it.

These six ingredients are essential for achieving a healthy and strong body for your pets. However, ensure that you consult a veterinarian first before giving them supplements. Since most of the nutrients on this list have severe effects when an overdose occurs, you need to determine the daily intake your pet needs. You wouldn’t want to go over that limit.

Lastly, never forget to seek your veterinarian before buying pet supplements in Singapore. Without the assurance of a professional, never assume your furry or scaly friends lacks certain nutrients.

If you’re looking for wholesale pet supplies distributors in Singapore, check out Pet Health Global for more information regarding their products, such as pet eye drops.